
What Is Google E-E-A-T? A Simple Guide

What Is Google E-E-A-T? A Simple Guide

Google E-E-A-T stands for Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness, and is a factor that will ensure users get a quality experience online. It primarily focuses on the quality of the content and its creators, as well as the website itself. 

Google wants to make sure that when you search for something, you get the apt search results that best match the intent of your query. It will also fetch you high-quality results, with content created by people who are knowledgeable and provide reliable information, on websites that you can trust.

So E-E-A-T is not a direct ranking factor for the Google search engine. But it still is related to SEO services.  Google introduced the E-A-T guidelines in 2014 and has made updates every year. 

The May 2019 Search Quality Rater Guidelines update actually changed its importance. Now, it is one factor in determining Page Quality, not a synonym for Page Quality.

Why Is E-A-T Important For Every Query?

In November 2022, Google’s HJ Kim told us that E-E-A-T is important for every query. This man has not opened up much at all in public about Google’s algorithms but he has led the teams responsible for launching many updates related to quality over the last 20 years.

If Google decides that the quality of the content on your website and the creators of that content are not of a certain standard. Also, decides that you are not ready to perform well organically.

 For example, they try to know if the creators of your content are truly experts in the subject that they are writing about. The writers should be trustworthy authorities. 

What Do The Quality Raters’ Guidelines Say About E-A-T?

Google’s quality rater guidelines, or search quality evaluator guidelines, are available for everyone to read. Google updates these quality rater guidelines every year.

This document is all about discussions on Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. We want to pay attention to this information as Google has told us that these guidelines are essential to helping us understand what Google wants a website to be like, in terms of quality.

How Does A Quality Website Satisfies Google Local  SEO?

To determine the authoritativeness and trustworthiness of a website, Google will check signals off-site as well as on-site. High-quality websites are expected to have positive feedback from users and recommendations from experts in the field. They might also appear in reviews and articles on sites like capterra and glassdoor. Google will build up a picture of overall sentiment from sites such as these. One or two contrary or negative reviews amongst a majority of good reviews do not matter.

How To Improve Your Site’s E-A-T? 

The thing is that you do not need to overhaul your SEO strategy to improve your site’s E-A-T. Here are some simple things you may do to improve your site’s E-E-A-T.

Get Good Reviews

What people think about your business online matters but that does not mean that a high rating is going to make you rank better. It is just one of the many factors Google considers when a searcher does a query for which a site’s reputation is vital.

Build Authoritative Backlinks

Earning backlinks from other trusted sites is a vital part of your local SEO strategy. Also, it can show that your business has authority in your industry.

Create High-Quality Content

Your site should provide genuine and reliable content. This means content that answers questions, provide advice, and gives the reader satisfaction. Regularly audit your content to ensure that it is useful and relevant to improve local SEO. Even if your content was once useful, it won’t be that helpful if it is full of old information.

To perform a content audit, you will need to review all of your current pages and update, delete, or combine them. 

Provide Author Info & Transparency

Google wants to know that the person writing a piece of content is a true and authentic source of information.  Be sure to create an About Us page to introduce your team (if any) and highlight specific writers.

Get Mentions On Forums

This may not apply to every business, but if people all over the web are raving about your competitors, then you want your business to be just like that. In that case, forum mentions can help improve your rankings.


E-E-A-T is not a direct ranking factor rather It is a concept for us on how we can elevate the quality of our content. Today, Google prioritizes the user and that is why E-E-A-T is important.

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